Advanced WorkshopΒΆ

Welcome to the GeoNode Training Advanced Workshop documentation vlatest.

This module introduces advanced tecquinques and metodologies for the management of the geospatial data and the maintenance and tuning of the servers on Production Environments.

The last sections of the module will teach also you how to add brand new classes and functionalities to your GeoNode installation.

You should be familiar with GeoNode, GeoServer, Python framework and development concepts other than with system administrator and caching concepts and tecnquiques.
Advanced Data Management and Processing
Advanced Data Management and Processing tecquiques.
GeoNode Advanced Configuration
Learn how to deal with advanced GeoNode configuration settings and external DJango Apps.
GeoNode on Production
Concepts and tecquinques for the deployment af GeoNode and GeoServer on a Production system.
GeoNode Customization and Source Code Revision Control
A workshop teaching how to customize GeoNode projects and put the source code under revision control with GitHub.
Migrate Data Between GeoNode Instances
A workshop teaching how to migrate Layers between GeoNode instances.